It’s funny how we only take care of our health when it is in jeopardy. I was having difficulty sleeping suffered from chronic sinus problems. The time came when the hot water bottle and the Advil didn’t work anymore. I found Dr. Stekel through a mutual friend who had raved about his service. Upon first meeting him I realized he was a doctor who cared about his patients. Since working with him the past few months, I have seen a shift in my health. My neck and back pain have been reduced to the point that I feel normal and healthy again. My energy levels are back where they used to be, and I am back to my old sleeping patterns.
Dr. Stekel has given me a positive view about my general health and my ability to contribute to it as a whole. I am now in control of my health! — Gyasi H.
After having repeatedly injured my back and neck while dancing in a touring theatrical production, I had come to accept pain as a way of life. For a long while I went to “scientific” doctors for treatment. They suggested everything from medications to surgeries to alleviate the pain. I decided to go the road less traveled on my own, and seek what our society still insists on calling alternative therapies. The fight to heal my injuries led me to Dr. Stekel’s office. From the start, Dani has been considerate, patient, and extremely giving of his knowledge and energy. My body has now improved to the point that I feel it will be possible for me to return to dancing. Under previous care, I had given up hope. Dr. Stekel has taken the time to help me heal, which is a far cry from being fixed, as if I were a broken toy — Patient.
My sciatica has been a problem off and on for about three years. Since I have been receiving treatment from and Dr. Stekel, my sciatica has improved greatly. I feel more energetic, have less stiffness and soreness after a workout, and feel my overall health has improved. I have recommended Dr. Stekel and chiropractic care to my co-workers and friends. — Barbara G.
I was unable to walk more than a few steps because of MS. I started seeing Dr. Stekel. The treatment I had last Thursday was unbelievable. When I returned home my wheelchair battery indicator turned red, so I charged it. Then I realized I had to go to the bathroom. So I grabbed my walker and got up and walked. I couldn’t believe it! The next morning I got up and next to it. I never realized how tall I was. I believe that this came from the treatment by Dr. Stekel. I always feel good when I leave his office. — Denise C.
I had sciatic pains, tight hip flexors, and foot problems — my right leg felt longer than the other! I’ve been seeing Dr. Stekel and, with every month, I feel better. I’m proud to say that after years of dreading winter, I can step out feeling comfortable walking. I love coming in for treatments. I highly recommend Dr. Stekel. — Jamillah J.
I met Dr. Stekel at a health fair at my company’s offices. My neck had been stiff, and I had a pain shooting down my right leg for approximately six years before meeting, and being cared for by Dr. Stekel. I was suffering from insomnia, headaches, neck pain and every once in a while my back would just lock in position allowing me no flexibility to stand upright at those moments, which used to happen at least once a month. Within a couple of weeks, I noticed a lot of relief in the neck, and the back. After a couple of months, I hardly ever experienced the locking of my back, have greater flexibility, am no longer living with a stiff neck, and the shooting pain down my leg has decreased by over 75%. – Rosanna R.
For many years I have had congested sinuses which medical treatment did not cure. During my first visit to Stekel chiropractic the congestion was relieved, and is now nonexistent through continued chiropractic care. At the time I started I was also experiencing discomfort in the pelvic area which has also been relieved. I highly recommend Dr. Stekel for chiropractic care. – Richard W.
My problems included various sports injuries that had never fully resolved themselves and several areas of chronic pain. I had varying levels of discomfort in my left and right knee, left ankle, back, and neck. As Dr. Stekel had predicted, I began to see some improvements in my situation. Slowly, but noticeably, the pain began to recede. Certain conditions that didn’t seem to respond to other treatments did respond to Dr. Stekel’s treatments. Some of the other treatments that I had been getting, like physical therapy, began to be more effective. I have been very happy with my improvement, which has not yet reached an endpoint. I am still improving and am optimistic about where things are going. Dr. Stekel has a wonderful “table-side” manner. He is very caring, concerned, and a good listener. It’s obviously important to him that his patients get better. Being in his care feels like a true partnership between patient and physician. In addition, he is an excellent source of referrals and his office is expert at dealing with insurance companies. -Cynthia M.
I started seeing Dr. Stekel on the insistence of a friend. I had been suffering from shoulder pain and lover back pain for years, and was unable to raise my left arm over my head without considerable pain and stiffness. I had been seeing an acupuncturist, who offered some relief, but I still had stiffness and discomfort. After about six weeks of chiropractic treatment my shoulder pain began to ease, and the lower back pain disappeared. I’m continuing to get treatments twice a week, and I’ve noticed other changes in my general health. I require about an hour less sleep than I used to, and wake up much more easily. My muscle strength has increased noticeably, as has my general level of energy. I would recommend Stekel Chiropractic whole-heartedly, not just for the precise and effective treatments, but for the genuine warmth and concern that Dr. Stekel and Nicole feel for their clients. –Robert C.
One Response
I am a classical musician. I play the bass, and 90+% of bass players have back problems off and on for most of their life. I have been going to Dr. Stekel for a couple of years. I was in a lot of pain when I first came to — it was hard to stand up straight. He fixed me up after a couple of visits. I have been going to him every week as a prophylactic, and he has been a great help. He is a very caring and gentle chiropractor, and I highly recommend him. – Richard F